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6 Tips to turn your London flat into a perfect winter nest

Written by City Relay

There is nothing better than coming back home to a cosy, zen and well-decorated property, especially after a long day of work or after a cold winter day. So the question is: how to turn your London flat into a perfect Winter Nest?  Today we are giving you some tips!

#1 Bring nature inside

Cocooning is a way of life where interiors evoke nature. Use rustic materials such as wood to make your flat more welcoming (light wood flooring, coffee table, wood decorations…).
Moreover, putting plants everywhere will make your flat friendly. If you have green fingers, it’s a piece of cake! Otherwise, there are many solutions: succulent plants, cactus, air plants and so much more… They bring a touch of green without needing a lot of care. Use macrame pendants, pretty pots in ceramic or brass, DIY vases, in order to make your plants more stylish.

#2 Make use of light to brighten your flat

Garlands are no longer reserved for the holiday season. They invite themselves all year long. We like their warm and subdued light. If you want to be more classic, you can put on lampshades and dimmers switches that are allies of choice to adapt the light intensity to the guest’s mood… 
Don’t limit the light at the ceiling lamps: add a lantern garland above your bed, a lamp on your desk and on your shelves. Use a low suspension for an intimate atmosphere. Feel free to play with the shapes, colours, and styles, everything is good to give good vibes to your living room.

#3 Make your own cocoon

Finding comfortable and esthetic furniture is often a real challenge. What is the point of a beautiful designer sofa if you can not curl up inside? Lying down on soft sofas and bouncy chairs will make you want to take a nap wrapped in a blanket. Why not in a hammock? 
You also can give a fancy touch to your sofa by adding some velvet cushions. During winter time, in front of your fireplace or television, your guests will like to be in a warm place and feel good at home. In cotton or linen, colourful or patterned, a plaid will be the best ally of the season: no more cold feet or chills. It will also be the perfect decorative accessory to put on your sofa.

Flat 1, 14 Blenheim Crescent 26

#4 Use many cushions

Use 2,3,4… 10! Basically, you can use as many as you want. The more you use them, the better your sofa looks. To chill on the couch on a mountain of cushions is the best feeling during winter time! You can choose soft cushion for comfort or sequins and other fantasies to accessorize your sofa. It will bring a touch of style to your living room.

#5 Candles per thousand

Scattered or gathered on a tray in your living room, a multitude of candles will instantly transform the look of your flat. They make the atmosphere warmer and diffuse a softer light for a cosy, lovely and romantic atmosphere, so don’t forget about it! In addition, to boost the cosy atmosphere of your home with their soft lighting, candles will add pleasant scents throughout the home. Be careful not to choose too strong perfumes that could bother your guests.

#6 Make a fireplace  

After a long and cold day spent in London, your guests will be more than happy to enter into a warm place. The fireplace always brings warmth and comfort. True decorative element, the fireplace will highlight the colours of your living room. If you don’t have enough space for a fireplace, opt for a wood stove or a pellet stove. The wood stove gives the same warm effect as fireplaces and it’s suitable for both large and small spaces.


With small decoratives tips, you will add a personal touch to your interiors. A  bouquet of fresh flowers on the table will make your flat warmer and friendly for your guests. At City Relay we know that it can be difficult to design your flat, that is why we are here to help you! Becoming a host is quick and easy, simply click the button below and fill out your details to view your property’s earning potential!

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